
What Makes Bird Poop White?
November 27, 2017 — And why is it so hard to wash off your car?
How Birds Learn to Identify Threats
November 20, 2017 — Mobbing adults provide more than just protection for young birds.
The Black-capped Chickadee Can Swap Old Brain Cells for New Ones
November 13, 2017 — Could this explain the bird's remarkable memory?
The Great Gray Owl Probably Has Bigger Eyes Than You
October 31, 2017 — But having such huge peepers comes with pros and cons.
The Ring-necked Pheasant Has Seen Serious Habitat Loss
October 23, 2017 — The introduced birds thrived in North America until relatively recently, but there's hope for a comeback.
Listen to Every Pitch Change in a Pacific Wren Call
October 16, 2017 — A blur of sound becomes a remarkably complex song when slowed down.
You've Likely Hosted More Nesting Robins Than You Think
October 10, 2017 — Due to a high mortality rate, these yard regulars often take on new partners.
Listen for Woodpeckers Making Their Winter Homes This Fall
October 02, 2017 — Instead of migrating, some species chisel out snug roosting cavities to keep warm during the colder months.
Which Bird Is the Fastest Runner?
September 25, 2017 — Find out how an emu, a roadrunner, and an ostrich would place in a race against each other—and a pair of Olympic sprinters.
How Baby Owls Nap Without Falling From Their Trees
September 18, 2017 — It's all about that toe strength.