Rachel Nuwer

Reporter, Audubon Magazine

Freelancer Rachel Nuwer wrote "Setting Free the Birds," in the January-February issue.

Articles by Rachel Nuwer

Asia (So Far) Has Been Spared From the Deadly Global Amphibian Fungus: Why?
August 18, 2011
For Song Sparrows, Catty Old Males Stick to the Hits in Musical Sparring
August 15, 2011
In Guatemala, Avian Amigas Don Fanciful Rainbow Bird Garb
August 11, 2011
I Smell Sex and Death: Manipulating Invasive Sea Lampreys with Odor
August 08, 2011
Ghost Nets and Mermaid Tears: Human Impact on
August 04, 2011
Birds Don Their Summer Schnoz
July 21, 2011
There and Back Again: A Parrot
July 18, 2011
Fashion to Die For: How Feather Accessories Promote Animal Suffering
July 11, 2011
People don
June 30, 2011
Equal Rights for Parasites!
June 27, 2011