Jennifer Pitt

Colorado River Program Director

Jennifer Pitt joined Audubon in December 2015 to advise the organization’s strategies to protect and restore rivers throughout the Colorado River Basin. At Audubon she continues to lead the United States–Mexico collaboration to restore the long-desiccated Colorado River Delta. She serves as the U.S. co-chair of the bi-national work group whose partners will, through 2026, implement existing treaty commitments providing environmental flows and habitat creation.

Prior to joining Audubon, Jennifer spent 17 years working to protect and restore freshwater ecosystems in the Colorado River Basin at the Environmental Defense Fund. With partners, she led the conservation community’s efforts to prioritize and implement restoration of the Colorado River Delta, and she worked with Colorado River stakeholders to produce the unprecedented Colorado River Basin Supply and Demand Study, the first federal assessment of climate change impacts in the basin and the first basin-wide evaluation of the impacts of river system operation on water supply reliability and river health. Jennifer has also worked at the National Park Service headquarters and in Mesa Verde and Sequoia National Parks, as a legislative assistant to U.S. Congressman Mike Kopetski, and in the headquarters office of the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation.

Jennifer graduated from Harvard University and received a master’s in Environmental Science and Policy from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.

Articles by Jennifer Pitt

U.S. Declares Water Delivery Reductions to Southwestern States as Climate Change Devastates Colorado River
August 16, 2021 — Plans are in place for 2022, but 2023 and future years could be even more challenging.
The Age of Aridification on the Mighty Colorado River
July 20, 2021 — Ten strategies to mitigate the dryness of the West’s most critical water source.
Photos Capture New Flows in Colorado River Delta
June 23, 2021 — Water delivered through the desiccated channel will benefit the environment.
Delivery of water for the environment in the Colorado River Delta, May 3, 2021. Adrián Salcedo, Restauremos el Colorado
Reconnecting the Colorado River to the Sea
May 13, 2021 — Binational Water Conservation Making the Colorado River More Sustainable for People and Birds
Entrega de agua para el medio ambiente en el delta del río Colorado, 3 de mayo de 2021. Adrián Salcedo, Restauremos el Colorado
Reconectar el río Colorado al mar
May 13, 2021 — Conservación binacional del agua hace que el río Colorado sea más sostenible para las personas y las aves
A Colorado River Win for the Navajo Nation as Congress Passes Major Omnibus
December 22, 2020 — Audubon continues to fight for a better water future in the West.
Una Victoria en el Río Colorado para la Nación Navajo mientras el Congreso Aprueba un gran Ómnibus
December 21, 2020 — Audubon continúa luchando por un mejor futuro del agua en el Oeste.
Lake Mead and Lower Colorado River to Remain in Tier Zero Shortage for 2021
August 25, 2020 — The Drought Contingency Plan is working.
New Senate Bill Threatens U.S.—Mexico Cooperation, Environment, and Birds of Lower Colorado River
July 31, 2020 — Reopening the Yuma Desalting Plant—with its ancient technology—too expensive and too damaging.
Nuevo proyecto de ley del Senado amenaza a EE. UU.—Cooperación de México, Medio Ambiente y Aves del bajo Río Colorado
July 31, 2020 — Reabrir la Planta Desaladora de Yuma—con su tecnología antigua—demasiado caro y demasiado dañino