Andy McGlashen

Senior Editor, Audubon Magazine

Andy McGlashen is senior editor for conservation policy. 

Articles by Andy McGlashen

Candidates Are Promising to End Federal Oil and Gas Leasing. But Can They?
December 17, 2019 — The answers aren’t clear, and neither are the politics.
If the Feds Won't Prohibit Preventable Bird Deaths, More States Might
November 01, 2019 — The Trump administration has stopped holding industry accountable for killing birds, so California stepped in—and other states could do the same.
Judge Blocks Trump Administration Plans that Lifted Sage-Grouse Protections
October 17, 2019 — The injunction supports conservationists' claims that the industry-friendly plans are illegal, and puts stronger protections back in place for now.
Final Plan for Arctic Refuge Drilling Could Cause Extinctions, Admits Government
September 17, 2019 — The decision to open the refuge's entire coastal plain to development, combined with climate change, 'may result in extinction' for some birds.
Sage-Grouse Experts Sound the Alarm Over Plunging Population
September 05, 2019 — New data show the imperiled bird’s numbers in a nosedive as the federal government continues to ease protections and sell off habitat.
A Controversial Minnesota Mine Finds New Life Under President Trump
August 21, 2019 — The Interior Department recently approved a project previously deemed too great an environmental risk in the bird-rich Boundary Waters wilderness.
Are These Birds Better Than Computers at Predicting Hurricane Seasons?
August 13, 2019 — A nearly two-decade Veery study suggests these feathered forecasters can sense major storms months in advance.
Science Loses Ground to Economics With New Endangered Species Act Rules
August 12, 2019 — The Trump administration's decision to weaken the widely supported law has drawn sweeping condemnation from conservationists.
New Plan for Bears Ears National Monument Draws Fire over Tree-Clearing
August 09, 2019 — The government says uprooting piñon-juniper forest with heavy chains improves public lands in the West, but the science is sketchy.
EPA Approval of Controversial Pesticide Raises Concerns for Bees and Birds
July 25, 2019 — Sulfoxaflor, seen as a replacement for bee-killing chemicals known as neonics, might be just as dangerous.