Andy McGlashen

Senior Editor, Audubon Magazine

Andy McGlashen is senior editor for conservation policy. 

Articles by Andy McGlashen

These 5 Threatened Places Could Be Spared Under Biden
December 04, 2020 — From coastal Alaska to a Georgia swamp, public lands that lost protection in the Trump years may get a reprieve in the new administration.
In Florida's Plan to Take Over Wetland Permits, Critics See a Gift to Developers
November 23, 2020 — The state doesn't have the resources or track record to assume a major program from the federal government, environmentalists say.
What Biden's Presidential Win Means for Birds and the Environment
November 09, 2020 — Climate and conservation activists see opportunities for the president-elect to make major progress beginning on day one.
Western Cormorants Face 'Collapse' Under a Government Plan, Scientists Warn
October 26, 2020 — A federal proposal to manage fishery conflicts by killing more fish-eating Double-crested Cormorants is built on deeply flawed data, experts say.
Duck Stamp Artists Turn to Spent Shotgun Shells to Meet New Pro-Hunting Mandate
October 06, 2020 — The government art competition now requires hunting imagery, a change that some wildlife painters say undermines its conservation message.
Are the Environmental Rollbacks of the Trump Administration Built to Last?
September 29, 2020 — The federal government keeps losing in court—and its reversals might not stick—because it's been sloppy in dismantling regulations, experts say.
Frustration Abounds Five Years After the Historic Sage-Grouse Agreement
September 22, 2020 — The federal government hasn't kept up its end of the deal, advocates say, putting the bird back on course for an Endangered Species Act listing.
Forget the Roses, Give the White House a Native Plant Garden
September 09, 2020 — The dustup over First Lady Melania Trump's recent renovation misses a bigger problem with the Rose Garden: It's too heavy on introduced species.
Alaska’s Wild Places Face a Barrage of Big Development Projects
August 21, 2020 — As President Trump’s first term nears its end, major land-use decisions are coming due, with massive stakes for the environment.
Interior Department Finalizes Plan to Drill in the Arctic Refuge
August 17, 2020 — Legal challenges are inevitable, but the Trump administration aims to hold the first-ever sale of oil and gas leases in the refuge this year.