Conserva Aves

A new framework for sustainable conservation at scale.

Well-managed protected areas are a proven way to safeguard birds and biodiversity, mitigate climate change, and support local communities' efforts to thrive sustainably. Although protected area coverage has increased steadily over the past decade, significant conservation gaps remain in Latin America and the Caribbean. Recent studies indicate that only about 40 percent of Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) enjoy some form of protection and that protected areas adequately cover the ranges of only nine percent of migratory bird species.

Conserva Aves strives to change this via an innovative partnership among Audubon, BirdLife International, American Bird Conservancy, and the Network of Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Funds (RedLAC). Conserva Aves will catalyze the establishment of more than 80 new protected areas covering 2 million hectares (4.9 million acres) and improve the management of an additional 2 million hectares. Stretching from Mexico to Chile, the program aims at new protected sites for every Endangered (EN) and Critically Endangered (CR) bird species.

Starting at the Tropical Andes region, Conserva Aves will expand to other sub-regions of the continent. Our target is for each species to have at least one effective protected area dedicated to its conservation while also providing significant habitat for migratory birds. To accomplish this, we will implement a collaborative effort with local communities, international NGOs, and funding partners, to establish and strengthen protection across a network of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs2) and Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE3) sites identified for these species.

A cornerstone for the success of Conserva Aves is the $12 million grant the project received from the Bezos Earth Fund that other resources from partners and organizations will match. This grant will support local communities and indigenous peoples to establish and strengthen 30-40 new protected sites (totaling 450-600,000 hectares, or 1.11 to 1.48 million acres) critical for threatened and migratory bird species in the Tropical Andes—in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Perú—by 2027.

National implementation of Conserva Aves will be carried out by a consortium of effective conservation organizations, environmental trust funds in each country part of the Network of Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Funds (RedLAC) and BirdLife national partners Asociación Armonia (Bolivia), Aves y Conservación (Ecuador), Asociación Calidris (Colombia), ECOAN (Perú), as well as the Jocotoco Foundation (Ecuador) and ProAves (Colombia).

Potential local partners will result from calls for proposals in each priority country. Committees of national experts will evaluate proposals for protected-area declaration, management, and sustainability and select local partners to receive 1:1 matching funding and training, technical support, and mentorship throughout the projects. We are currently in the structuring phase and hope to make initial calls for proposals by May 2022.


193M h



Additional countries with

high-value landscapes

for priority species

83M ha



Expansion countries:

Argentina, Bahamas,

Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica,

Guatemala, Peru

40M ha



Core countries:

Chile, Colombia,

Mexico, Panama

10M ha



60M hectares

currently protected

(effectiveness of

protection is unknown)

*Needed to safeguard approximately

10 percent of 160 Nearctic-Neotropical

migratory bird populations



High Priority Sites in the Americas

Zoom in to see specific focus areas. Mouseover for details.

Our Focus Birds Across the Americas
! Priority Bird
Least Tern
Gulls and Terns
! Priority Bird
Piping Plover
! Priority Bird
Red Knot
! Priority Bird
Western Sandpiper
! Priority Bird
Black Oystercatcher
! Priority Bird
Clapper Rail
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
! Priority Bird
Reddish Egret
Herons, Egrets, Bitterns
! Priority Bird
Snowy Plover
! Priority Bird
Semipalmated Sandpiper
! Priority Bird
Saltmarsh Sparrow
New World Sparrows
! Priority Bird
Brown Pelican
! Priority Bird
American Oystercatcher
Ridgway's Rail
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
! Priority Bird
Sooty Shearwater
Shearwaters and Petrels
! Priority Bird
Hudsonian Godwit
! Priority Bird
Black Skimmer
Gulls and Terns

News from the Americas

Fox Sparrow
How Listening to Birds Can Protect the Seal River Watershed
August 09, 2021 — Audubon and the Seal River Watershed Alliance, an Indigenous non-profit coalition, have worked together to record the sounds of a critical bird breeding area.
Nature-based Solutions Needed From Panama’s Coastal Mangroves to Canada’s Boreal Forest
July 28, 2021 — Birds, like so many other living things, rely on the richness of life along our coasts for survival.
Three lost birds that have been rediscovered in the last two decades. Left to right: Black-browed Babbler, Blue-eyed Ground-Dove, and the Madagascar Pochard.
The Quest for ‘Lost’ Birds Delivers Highs and Lows
July 13, 2021 — Thousands of species exist in a liminal space of conservation—they haven't been seen in a long time, but that doesn't mean they are extinct. Groups hope to crowdsource more rediscoveries.