
One current project aims to use new technology to create domestic chickens with the gonads of Greater Prairie-Chickens, giving the barnyard birds the ability to produce prairie-chicken eggs. Ravi Hirekatur/Audubon Photography Awards
The Surprising Reason Scientists Haven't Been Able to Clone a Bird Yet
April 28, 2021 — Thanks to their eggs, avians are tremendously difficult to clone. But new technologies may provide a workaround for saving at-risk species.
Periodical cicadas from Brood X during their last emergence in 2004. Michael Ventura/Alamy
Birds May Hold Clues to the 'Bizarre' Life Cycle of Brood X Cicadas
April 19, 2021 — Billions of cicadas will emerge in the eastern United States this spring, presenting a once-in-a-17-year opportunity for scientists to understand how they shape populations of birds and other species.
Ducks in the Southern U.S. Have Shifted Northward Due to Temperature Changes Attributed to Climate Change
March 30, 2021 — A new study shows patterns uncovered by community scientists over 50 years have repercussions for both wildlife and people
What a Songbird Lost at Sea Taught Me About Survival
March 24, 2021 — Aboard a mission to explore the alien life of the deep ocean, a chance encounter with a migratory bird offered a point of connection—one that has felt poignant this past year.  
False Scents Can Trick Predators Into Ignoring Nesting Shorebirds
March 17, 2021 — A new study finds that habituating hungry mammals to certain appetizing smells makes them far less likely to invade nests.
A Year of the Pandemic: How Have Birds and Other Wildlife Responded?
March 09, 2021 — The slowdown in human activity—a period scientists are calling the “anthropause”—was a mixed bag for animals.
Lost Birds Rely on Earth's Magnetic Field to Get Back on Track
March 04, 2021 — A new study suggests that migratory birds have a kind of built-in GPS that helps them navigate the world, even when they’re far from home.
Rare Yellow Penguin Bewilders Scientists
March 03, 2021 — After photos of the striking King Penguin went viral in recent weeks, experts have been searching for answers.
How Climate Change Pushes Even the Hardiest Desert Birds Past Their Limit
February 04, 2021 — The Mojave Desert is heating up and drying out so rapidly that birds can't drink enough water to stay cool. The result is population "collapse."
Artificial Lighting May Shift Bird Migration by More Than a Week, New Research Says
January 14, 2021 — Purple Martins exposed to bright nighttime light migrated eight days early—which could lead to starvation at their breeding grounds.