
Why Some Birds Have Red Feathers
May 23, 2016 — Scarlet plumage has long posed a mystery to scientists—but now they've finally solved it.
Bird CSI: A Loon, a Swollen Spleen, and a Mysterious Disease
May 19, 2016 — Pathologists documented the first death of a loon in New England from avian malaria. Here’s how they got from corpse to diagnosis.
The Arctic Is Shrinking, and so Are Its Birds
May 17, 2016 — In West Africa, Red Knots are 15 percent smaller today than they were 30 years ago—and climate change may be to blame.
Family Ties: Barn Owl Chicks Let Their Hungry Siblings Eat First
May 16, 2016 — These nestlings are willing to give up a good meal—but to what end?
How Do Barn Owls Fly So Silently?
May 13, 2016 — The secret to an owl’s stealthy flight lies in the shape of its feathers.
Four Astonishing Ways Birds Are Coping With Our Energy Demands
April 29, 2016 — From Pennsylvania to Canada, birds are finding ways to dodge power structures and development.
What A Baby Puffin's Diet Tells Us About Its Future
April 27, 2016 — A new study shows that climate change and commercial fisheries are affecting the fish that young puffins eat—along with their survival.
How Did Bird Ancestors Survive the Apocalypse?
April 27, 2016 — Some avian dinosaurs were able to find food after the asteroid hit, thanks to one key adaptation.
And the Fastest-Moving Birds on the Planet Are ...
April 26, 2016 — Shocker: They aren't hummingbirds.
Are Kestrels the New Poster Species for Pesticides?
April 22, 2016 — Raptor populations have been on the rise since DDT was banned in the ‘70s—except for the American Kestrel.