
Pitch (Not So) Perfect: Inbreeding Could Cause Birds to Sing Off-Key
August 09, 2016 — A new study finds that inbred birds seem to be less musically talented than outbred ones, possibly hurting their chances of mating.
Risking Life and Limb in Antarctica to Find the Frozen Ancestors of Birds
August 04, 2016 — Extreme fossil hunting on the icy outcrops at the bottom of the world.
Genes Play a Big Role in Songbirds' Travel Plans
July 29, 2016 — New research shows that Swainson's Thrushes use a "genetic map" to pick their migration routes.
The Osprey Nation Wants You
July 28, 2016 — A dedicated Osprey fan base is collecting valuable ecological data across Connecticut.
What’s Got Bird Beaks in a Twist?
July 27, 2016 — Thanks to a major lead, scientists are hot on the trail of a never-seen disease, which could help them crack a cold case wide open.
The Secret Superpower of Birds, Revealed
July 27, 2016 — Researchers have figured out how some species of birds deploy UV vision.
High Mercury Levels Pose Another Setback for Arctic Birds
July 22, 2016 — Gone unchecked, the element can lead to sickness, sterility, or even death in breeding shorebirds.
How Do Hummingbirds Fly Without Crashing?
July 21, 2016 — The birds can master their own physics by sizing up the objects in their path.
Baby Ducks Are Capable of Abstract Thoughts
July 15, 2016 — Experiments show that ducklings can find deeper meaning in the objects they imprint on.
Hoot Goes the T. Rex?
July 14, 2016 — Scientists may have found a surprising parallel between bird and dinosaur sounds.