
Audubon Events Marking Earth Day 2022
April 13, 2022
UN Report Offers Solutions to Reducing Emissions and Confronting Climate Change
April 04, 2022 — While previous reports detailed the extent of the impact of climate change, today’s report prescribes strategies to alleviate threats to both people and wildlife.
The Planet Is Undergoing an Ecological Transformation, Imperiling Biodiversity Everywhere
March 04, 2022 — In a decade, 9 percent of all species worldwide could be at risk of total extinction, according to a new UN report on climate change
Many Birds Are Shrinking and Growing Longer Wings as the World Warms. Why?
February 07, 2022 — A growing body of research suggests a warming world could mean smaller birds with longer wings, but nothing about the findings is settled.
National Audubon Society Names a New Vice President of Climate
February 03, 2022 — Sarah Rose, executive director of Audubon California, will assume the senior role on March 1.
New Indiana Poll Reveals Strong Bipartisan Support for Renewable Energy
January 28, 2022 — Net metering policies proves to be very popular among Indiana voters.
Climate Change or Habitat Loss? New Study Weighs Which Influences Birds More
January 21, 2022 — Ninety years of Christmas Bird Count data tease apart the effects of habitat loss and warming temperatures on winter bird distributions.
Dead, leafless trees stand tall within a salt marsh on Maryland's coast.
Ghost Forests Could Provide Respite for Marsh Birds as Coastal Habitat Disappears
January 05, 2022 — Scientists want to ensure that swaths of trees killed by saltwater flooding are more than dead forest, but become quality marsh habitat for birds.
Two images are shown on split screen: On the left, a man hikes across a rocky island made of sharp limestone, which looms over the frame. On the right, in close-up: a fish is pressed into the gullet of a young petrel from a gloved hand. Scientists hand-feed and raise young birds after moving them from nests and onto a safer island.
It Takes a Helicopter Parent to Rescue a Rare Seabird from Extinction
December 16, 2021 — Raising the world’s entire population of Bermuda Petrels, or Cahows, requires undivided attention—and a relentless drive to see them succeed.
Warmer Oceans Raise the ‘Divorce’ Rate Among Typically Loyal Albatross Pairs
November 24, 2021 — A new study of Black-browed Albatrosses provides a reminder that climate change can affect birds in unexpected ways.