
An illustration of power plants and pollution with houses and people in the foreground.
Climate Advocates Want to See a More Just Transition Away from Fossil Fuels
December 15, 2022 — While the Inflation Reduction Act promises to inject billions of dollars into frontline communities, environmental justice leaders are concerned about its support for pollution-producing energy sources.
An illustration of birds nesting in a pristine landscape next to a town with solar panels and wind turbines.
At Last, a Real Possibility to Avoid Catastrophic Climate Change
December 15, 2022 — After decades of minimal action, Congress passed the largest and most comprehensive piece of climate legislation in U.S. history. Will we make the most of this opportunity?
An illustration of an electric car at a charging station and a map of the US covered in location pins.
Clean Energy Isn’t Enough to Avoid the Worst Consequences of Climate Change
December 15, 2022 — Fortunately, the Inflation Reduction Act includes support in other key areas.
Two blue Pinyon Jays sitting in a pine tree, one opening a pinecone with its beak.
The Intimate Relationship Between Pinyon Jays and Piñon Pines Is Unraveling
December 15, 2022 — Drought, beetle infestations, and warming temperatures have pushed both species into a snowballing decline. Scientists are working to revive them.
Aves y Biodiversidad – La Construcción de un Futuro Compartido para Todos
December 07, 2022 — La delegación de Audubon se unirá a los líderes mundiales en la conferencia mundial sobre biodiversidad COP15 en Montreal para abordar la disminución de la biodiversidad y promover soluciones equitativas a la doble crisis climática y de biodiversidad.
Birds and Biodiversity – Building a Shared Future for All
December 07, 2022 — Audubon delegation to join world leaders at global biodiversity conference COP15 in Montreal to address the decline in biodiversity and promote equitable solutions to the dual climate and biodiversity crises.
Interior Department Holds Offshore Wind Lease Sale in California
December 06, 2022 — “Environmentally responsible offshore wind can help reduce our carbon emissions while protecting birds and the places they need.”
The Flight of the Spoonbills Holds Lessons for a Changing Everglades—and World
December 06, 2022 — As sea-level rise transforms South Florida’s fringe of wetlands into open ocean, Roseate Spoonbills are moving north. Land managers are following their lead, restoring the ecosystem with an eye for resilience, too.
Audubon insta a los líderes mundiales a tomar medidas inmediatas para combatir la crisis climática y de biodiversidad
November 29, 2022 — La organización líder en conservación de aves en las Américas hace un llamado a los líderes de la COP27 para que tomen medidas rápidas, significativas y colaborativas para proteger los ecosistemas naturales, defender la biodiversidad e implementar una tra
As Americans Make Their Voices Heard, Audubon Pledges to Continue to Work Toward a Cleaner Future for People and Wildlife
November 09, 2022 — Caring about birds transcends politics.