
Disappearing Ice Means New Ways of Life for Arctic Birds
September 28, 2016 — Arctic seabirds are adapting as climate change brings warmer weather, shifting food sources, and a polar bear invasion.
Revitalizing Vacant City Lots to Feed People—and Birds
September 26, 2016 — In Buffalo, New York, gardeners are growing crops and native plants to bring food and wildlife to communities in need.
The World's Biggest Climate Treaty Might Actually Get Some Teeth Soon
September 07, 2016 — By ratifying the Paris Agreement this weekend, the United States and China, the world's two largest carbon emitters, brought the treaty a lot closer to becoming enforceable international law.
More than 260 Million Gallons of Water Began Flowing Into the Parched Rio Grande This Month
September 07, 2016 — A historic collaboration between Audubon New Mexico and Native American tribes should help ease dry times for local birds and people.
These Amazing Maps Show How Wildlife Will Migrate to Survive Climate Change
August 26, 2016 — Not only do they highlight the major routes species will take to stay cool, but they are also guides for how we should approach future conservation.
Why Some Puffin Colonies Thrived and One Barely Survived This Summer
August 25, 2016 — Baby puffins in the Gulf of Maine faced drastically different fates this breeding season when warmer ocean waters caused a shortfall in fish.
The Saltmarsh Sparrow Is Creeping Dangerously Close to Extinction
August 23, 2016 — The bird’s survival hinges on the ocean, but rising waters and shrinking habitat are causing populations to plummet—with no clear solutions.
Climate Change Might Have Some Gulls Resorting to Cannibalism
August 08, 2016 — With rising sea temperatures making food scarce, Puget Sound's Glaucous-winged Gulls have turned to their own species for nourishment.
Tracking Kestrels One Feather at a Time
August 01, 2016 — Researchers suspect that plucked DNA can provide answers to where climate-threatened American Kestrels are going.
Meet Some of Baltimore's Youngest and Brightest Green Leaders
July 21, 2016 — With help from the Patterson Park Audubon Center, students in Baltimore are teaching their peers about issues surrounding climate change.