
The Arctic Is No Longer A Safe Haven for Breeding Shorebirds
November 13, 2018 — Predators now wipe out 70 percent of shorebird nests in the far north, a shift in historical patterns that scientists pin on climate change.
People Power vs. Corporate Funds Tested in Washington Carbon Fee Vote
November 02, 2018 — An analysis of campaign spending on I-1631 finds a $15-million grassroots effort up against $31 million of out-of-state oil money.
Mountain Birds Need to Move Even Higher to Survive
October 29, 2018 — In Honduras, species are migrating upslope to escape deforestation and climate change, illustrating a global trend. But space isn't infinite.
Climate Change Is Hitting National Parks Harder Than Anywhere Else in the Country
October 17, 2018 — And yet, despite warming twice as fast, our parks still remain the best protection for wildlife adjusting to changing environments.
Birders Don't Need to Be Told That Catastrophic Climate Change Approaches
October 10, 2018 — A new report warns that we're approaching the point of no return—a fact that close observers of nature have known for years.
Guardians of the Grebes
September 27, 2018 — To protect climate-threatened Hooded Grebes, volunteers camp out at remote, high-elevation lakes in Patagonia for the entire breeding season.
Shorebirds Experience Dismal Breeding Season Due to a Quirk of Climate Change
September 27, 2018 — Across the Arctic, late snowmelt wrecked the breeding season for many shorebird species already experiencing major declines.
The Audubon Mural Project Paints a Milestone 100 Species
September 26, 2018 — Marrying public art and climate change, six new species become ambassadors for conservation on the streets of northern Manhattan.
Timing of Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Is Key to Case on Wildlife Threatened by Climate Change
September 25, 2018 — If the SCOTUS nominee takes the bench by October 1, his vote will likely decide if endangered species law can protect wildlife in a changing climate.
North American Beaver
Beavers to the Rescue
September 24, 2018 — Beavers play a role in maintaining wetlands, helping birds and other wildlife