
Higher Water Levels Make Nesting More Difficult for South Florida Spoonbills
June 30, 2020 — Roseate Spoonbills faced a tough nesting season.
Long-Awaited House Report Provides Blueprint for Congress on Climate Change
June 30, 2020 — House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis offers guidance for rebuilding a cleaner future in the wake of COVID-19
A New Federal Bill Would Empower Farmers, Ranchers, and Foresters in the Fight Against Climate Change
June 04, 2020 — Providing farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners with incentives to capture and store greenhouse gases will help rural economies, fight climate change, and improve habitat for birds.
Bipartisan Bill Will Help Cut Pollution While Helping Farmers, Foresters, and Wildlife
June 04, 2020 — The legislation helps the agriculture and forestry industries naturally remove carbon from the atmosphere, creating a cleaner future for birds and people.
Long-Awaited Solar Ruling Is a Win for Clean Energy in Arkansas
June 01, 2020
Protecting the Birds of Hawaiʻi Amid Environmental Carelessness
May 29, 2020 — How ancient feathered spirits, and the people who have revered them, are threatened by global climate change.
Vermont Teens Draw Climate Solace from Drawing Birds
May 21, 2020 — Students at Brattleboro Union High School use art to channel both their climate grief and love for birds.
To Help COVID Recovery and Address Climate, We Must Protect Natural Spaces
May 08, 2020 — With the right policies, existing spaces like wetlands, forests, and farmland can remove emissions and help protect against future crises that affect people and wildlife. Congress must include support for natural climate solutions in any recovery plan.
Recovery Efforts Provide the Opportunity to Build a 21st Century Energy System
May 06, 2020 — As Congress makes plans to recover from the COVID crisis, they must plan for the future by supporting legislation that saves and creates jobs, while also creating a cleaner and healthier world.
EPA’s Recent Rollbacks Raise Public Health Worries for Vulnerable Americans
April 24, 2020 — People of color already face more pollution linked to a higher risk of dying from COVID-19, and now the government is easing air-quality regulations.