
Delaware River Basin Commission Vote Shows Commitment to Clean, Reliable Water
February 26, 2021 — Audubon commends the regional agency for taking important steps to protect and manage water resources for birds and communities.
Green Light for Largest Offshore Wind Project in the U.S. is a Hopeful Restart for Birds
February 22, 2021 — The revived Vineyard Wind Project will be a powerful force for reducing emissions, protecting both people and wildlife from the effects of climate change.
How Climate Change Pushes Even the Hardiest Desert Birds Past Their Limit
February 04, 2021 — The Mojave Desert is heating up and drying out so rapidly that birds can't drink enough water to stay cool. The result is population "collapse."
Biden Revs the Executive Branch’s Climate Engine After Four Lost Years
January 22, 2021 — The new administration set off with a broad review of Trump’s anti-climate actions before starting in on new policy.
‘Climate Czar’ Positions Point to Biden’s Dual Approach to the Global Crisis
January 12, 2021 — Two new positions within the Biden White House will yoke expertise in bipartisan climate action with international diplomacy and domestic policy.
Government Proposes First Take Permit for Condor Deaths at a Wind Farm
December 23, 2020 — As endangered California Condors recover, they are veering toward wind turbines. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is preparing for the inevitable.
The Congressional Energy Package Is an Important Building Block, but More Innovation and Action Against Climate Change Is Needed
December 21, 2020 — The omnibus energy bill comprises bipartisan bills from the House and Senate, and includes measures addressing everything from renewables and efficiency to nuclear energy and carbon capture.
With Omnibus Legislation, Congress Takes Strong Action on Greenhouse Gases
December 21, 2020 — The American Innovation and Manufacturing Act is “one of the strongest actions that Congress has taken to directly address climate change.”
Biden Administration Invests in Strong Leadership for Climate Team
December 17, 2020
Scientists Braved the High Arctic to Chase Clouds on History’s Largest Polar Trip
December 17, 2020 — The Arctic is warming faster than anywhere on Earth, and clouds may be key. Photographs by Esther Horvath capture an extreme scientific mission.