
Vermont Hay Season Is Shifting Earlier, But Nesting Birds Are Staying Put
November 01, 2021 — Because of warming temperatures, farmers harvest hay earlier in the year than they did two decades ago, placing songbird nests in balers' paths.
Taking the Messages that Birds Tell Us to the World’s Stage at COP26
November 01, 2021 — Audubon's acting CEO joins global leaders in Glasgow for the UN Climate Conference.
Five Tule Geese, which are mostly brown with white bellies and wing edges and orange feet, fly in to land on a pond amid tall marsh grasses. The birds appear blurry in the image because they are in motion.
New Study Is First to Explore How Wildfire Smoke Derails Bird Migration
October 22, 2021 — Last September, migrating geese wearing GPS tags encountered one of the worst wildfire seasons in U.S. history. Their movements give scientists their first clues about how growing wildfires alter bird behavior.
From Heavier Rainfall to Stronger Storms, Can Birds Ride Out the Storm?
October 21, 2021 — North American birds face growing threats throughout their life cycle from increasingly severe weather driven by climate change.
The Energy Innovation Agenda is at a Crossroads
October 18, 2021 — Bipartisan legislation moving through Congress will provide important investments in clean energy for people and wildlife.
Conservation and Energy Groups Unite as Federal Government Re-envisions Power Policy
October 14, 2021 — A diverse coalition draws attention to siting issues and advanced transmission technologies in a filing before the federal regulatory commission.
North Carolina Passes Major Bipartisan Climate Bill
October 07, 2021 — House Bill 951 requires deep cuts to carbon emissions on a timetable that will help reduce the worst impacts of climate change for birds and people.
Orange County Oil Spill of Extreme Concern to Migrating Seabirds
October 04, 2021 — “It is time to stop putting our coastal birds and communities at risk from the oil industry.”
Balancing birds, water and farms in California's agricultural heartland
September 30, 2021 — Climate change is endangering vital wetlands in "America's Salad Bowl"
Wet steps overgrown with algae lead from San Francisco Bay up to a concrete fence—the Embarcadero Seawall along the San Francisco business district. The overgrown algae signals how frequently the infrastructure floods due to sea level rise. A row of high-rise buildings and palm trees are in the background behind the seawall.
San Francisco Leads Legal Effort Pressing Big Oil to Pay for Climate Impacts
September 27, 2021 — To force fossil fuel companies to cover the costs of unnatural disasters, more than 20 municipalities are suing them over decades of deception.