
Alice Madden Named as Audubon’s New Senior Director for Climate
February 21, 2024 — Madden will assume her role with the conservation organization on March 4.
An eagle flying in front of the sun.
How New Incidental Take Permits Can Protect Bald and Golden Eagles at Wind Energy Sites
February 08, 2024 — The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has an improved permitting process that benefits eagles.
A bald eagle flies over a blue sky.
New U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Permit Expands Coverage for Wind Energy and Conservation of Eagles
February 08, 2024 — Audubon worked with partners to ensure that the permitting benefits Bald and Golden Eagle conservation.
A New Plan for Offshore Wind Research Will Help Prioritize Seabirds and Other Wildlife
January 25, 2024 — The RWSC science plan will guide offshore wind and wildlife studies along the East Coast.
Four Ways Congress Can Help Birds And People This Year
January 17, 2024 — Returning lawmakers have an opportunity to help birds, the climate, and our own communities.
A New Study in Wyoming Will Test Whether Black Paint Helps Birds Avoid Wind Turbines
December 27, 2023 — The research aims to evaluate the effects of contrast painting on wind turbine rotor blades in the largest such study yet.
COP28 Agreement Represents Progress for Biodiversity, But More Urgent Action is Needed
December 13, 2023 — The final agreement reached by negotiators at the COP28 summit in Dubai contained some historic language on fossil fuels and biodiversity, but ultimately represents the bare minimum of what must be done to address climate change.
New Clean Energy Legislation Package Would Help Create a Safe, Clean Future for People and Wildlife
December 13, 2023 — The Clean Electricity and Transmission Acceleration Act would streamline clean energy and transmission expansion and fund impact studies on wildlife.
To Protect Our Planet, COP Needs to Recognize the Intersection of Climate Impacts and Biodiversity Loss
December 04, 2023 — The climate and biodiversity crises cannot be addressed separately.
Two sandhill cranes flying in front of out-of-focus transmission lines.
The Race Is on to Build Big Power Lines, Clean Energy’s Missing Ingredient
November 07, 2023 — Careful siting and thoughtful construction can make transmission lines less dangerous for birds, experts say.