
Lark Sparrow In A Cottonwood Tree
May is for the Birds
May 21, 2018 — Celebrating May as Month of the Bird in Utah during 2018 Year of the Bird
There Are Better Options To Solve Our Water Issues Than An Old Desalting Plant
May 16, 2018 — The Yuma Desalting Plant sits dormant in the southwestern corner of Arizona, embodying both the promise of new water and the peril of environmental Armageddon.
Northern Pintails fly over the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge in Utah.
Important Bird Areas are Important to All
March 27, 2018 — Protecting habitat is not only for birds and wildlife, but for all life.
Oregon Lake and Its Birds at Risk from Low Water Levels, High Salt Content
March 07, 2018 — Migratory birds and their food source require narrow range of salinity, 25-year study shows.
Snow and Ross's Geese congregate at the Great Salt Lake
The Songs of Great Salt Lake
February 27, 2018 — If the marshes and mudflats of Great Salt Lake could transform into music, how would it sound?
American Avocets
Saline Lakes and Great Salt Lake in the News
August 18, 2017 — Your guide to the latest news from Audubon's Saline Lakes program
In the Arid West, Protecting Oases Vital to Birds Requires Creative Solutions
July 05, 2017 — Like people, birds depend on water, relying on it during migration, breeding, and nesting. But increasing pressures on already scarce Western waters have put birds and other wildlife in a perilous situation.
Executive Summary—Water and Birds in the Arid West: Habitats in Decline
July 05, 2017 — A brief overview to Audubon's new report on creating a sustainable water future for birds and people in the American West
Blue-winged Teal. Photo: Meryl Lorenzo/Audubon Photography Awards
Executive Order Puts Streams and Wetlands at Risk
March 09, 2017
The Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule: What It Is and Why It’s Important
March 01, 2017 — President Trump has ordered the EPA to begin reviewing the rule that governs how the agency protects waterways. Here's what WOTUS means to wildlife and people alike.