
How New Technology Is Making Wind Farms Safer for Birds
May 18, 2021 — Raptors and wind energy have a fraught history. Could these innovations allow them to co-exist? 
Meet Elizabeth Gould, the Gifted Artist Behind Her Husband's Famous Bird Books
May 14, 2021 — John Gould's ornithology books were hugely popular and cemented his name in history. But his wife's illustrations were a big reason why.
Yellow Warbler. Raymond Hennessy/Alamy
Two Fantastic Warblers Anyone Can Find
May 14, 2021 — Ready to up your warbler game but not sure where to begin? Seek out water to get started with this popular pair.
Delivery of water for the environment in the Colorado River Delta, May 3, 2021. Adrián Salcedo, Restauremos el Colorado
Reconnecting the Colorado River to the Sea
May 13, 2021 — Binational Water Conservation Making the Colorado River More Sustainable for People and Birds
Entrega de agua para el medio ambiente en el delta del río Colorado, 3 de mayo de 2021. Adrián Salcedo, Restauremos el Colorado
Reconectar el río Colorado al mar
May 13, 2021 — Conservación binacional del agua hace que el río Colorado sea más sostenible para las personas y las aves
Follow These Amazing Instagram Accounts for Beautiful Bird Photos
May 12, 2021 — Need more feathers in your feed? These photographers have you covered.
Snowy Plover. Max Malmquist/Audubon
Governor Cox Declares 2021 as Year of the Shorebird at Great Salt Lake
May 12, 2021 — Declaration celebrates 30th anniversary of Great Salt Lake as a Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network Site
Black Phoebe. Marie Jorgensen/Great Backyard Bird Count
Arizona Passes Law that Partially Protects Some Rivers Left Behind from Federal Clean Water Act Rollbacks
May 10, 2021 — While better than no protection, state program lacks essential provisions to best protect Arizona’s waterways
Black Phoebe. Marie Jorgensen/Great Backyard Bird Count
Arizona aprueba una ley que protege parcialmente algunos ríos dejados atrás de los retrocesos de la Ley Federal de Agua Limpia
May 10, 2021 — Si bien es mejor que ninguna protección, el programa estatal carece de disposiciones esenciales para proteger mejor las vías fluviales de Arizona.
Liliana Marcela Ospina Sanchez and Juan Carlos Rubiano Reyes. Raíces Profundas Turismo Ecológico y Cultural
To Raise Awareness, Some Colombian Birders Won’t Participate in Global Big Day
May 07, 2021 — Amid social unrest and widespread human rights violations, birding groups are planning a boycott. The decision has spurred controversy.