
Colorado’s Houseweart Ranch Earns Bird-Friendly Habitat Certification from Audubon
January 05, 2023 — Princess Beef herd is working for grassland birds in Audubon Conservation Ranching program
Recently Passed Federal Funding Package Makes Investments in Natural Climate Solutions
December 23, 2022 — The Fiscal Year 2023 appropriations bill includes important wins for climate and conservation, though fails to include important legislation that would greatly benefit wildlife.
Supporting Our Working Lands to Protect Wildlife and Store Carbon
December 23, 2022 — The Growing Climate Solutions Act will help farmers, foresters, ranchers, and other land stewards who are on the frontlines of conservation.
How a Century-Old Winter Tradition Could Help Protect People and Birds for Another Hundred Years
December 23, 2022 — The Audubon Christmas Bird Count has generated more than 120 years’ worth of data showing how bird populations change over time.
Partners Across Great Basin Essential to Passage of Saline Lake Ecosystems Legislation
December 20, 2022 — Continued partnerships are key to much-needed scientific attention on these unique lakes.
As Water Levels Plummeted to Historic Lows across the West in 2022, Urgency for Audubon to Protect People and Birds
December 19, 2022 — Facing challenges head on this year: dedicated water, dollars, and improved policies.
Audubon Hatched 2022 - The 0 has a hatching egg in it, the colors are navy, blue and green
Introducing Audubon Hatched: Your Year of Birding in Review
December 19, 2022 — Audubon Bird Guide App users now have access to a year-end visualization of their 2022 bird sightings
A blue bird flies over a tree.
The Clock Is Ticking on a Holiday Miracle for Wildlife—Will Congress Deliver?
December 16, 2022 — The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act represents a turning point after decades of dramatic underfunding for conservation programs, supporters say. Time to pass it is running out.
Americas Flyways Initiative: birds, game-changers for saving nature
December 16, 2022 — The initiative will identify at least 30 critical landscapes and seascapes along the Americas flyways for urgent conservation, restoration, and management by local partners, communities, and indigenous peoples.
Five bright pink Roseate Spoonbills fly across the sky.
A Familiar Ring
December 16, 2022 — Even though the themes we explore don’t always change, through our reporting we can see forward movement.