
Top Wins for Birds 2020: State Efforts to Address Climate Change
December 04, 2020 — Audubon worked at the state and municipal level to enact policies that help us build a sustainable energy future.
The Border Wall Has Been ‘Absolutely Devastating' for People and Wildlife
December 01, 2020 — President-elect Joe Biden's pledge to halt construction is a start, but activists say tearing down the barrier is ultimately what's needed.
Rulers of the Upper Realm, Thunderbirds Are Powerful Native Spirits
November 30, 2020 — Also known as Thunderers or Thunderbeings, the bird-like spirits’ particular attributes and stories can vary by tribe and even family line.
Top Wins for Birds in 2020
November 25, 2020 — This year brought unprecedented challenges, but Audubon and its supporters still achieved important victories to help protect both birds and people.
Ask Kenn: How Did the Evening Grosbeak Get Its Misleading Name?
November 25, 2020 — In this month's Ask Kenn!, bird expert Kenn Kaufman shares the surprising origins of the finch's moniker. Plus, why your feeder birds fight so much.
As a Blind Bird Photographer, Each Shot I Take Is a Revelation
November 25, 2020 — The same condition that makes photographing birds so challenging for me also gives the experience profound meaning.
On the Alaska Coast, Native Women Are Reviving a Cozy Tradition
November 24, 2020 — The Yup’ik art of sewing feather-lined parkas for babies was nearly lost after the government outlawed the spring waterfowl hunt. Luckily, a centenarian Elder remembered how it’s done.
Audubon Prepares Advocates for Upcoming Arizona Legislative Season
November 23, 2020 — Bilingual webinar presents tips and tools to advocate for conservation priorities.
In Florida's Plan to Take Over Wetland Permits, Critics See a Gift to Developers
November 23, 2020 — The state doesn't have the resources or track record to assume a major program from the federal government, environmentalists say.
A Record-breaking Year of Storms Calls for Big Investments on Our Coasts
November 23, 2020 — The Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act will restore and protect coastal areas that buffer communities and birds from climate change.