
In the Arid West, Protecting Oases Vital to Birds Requires Creative Solutions
July 05, 2017 — Like people, birds depend on water, relying on it during migration, breeding, and nesting. But increasing pressures on already scarce Western waters have put birds and other wildlife in a perilous situation.
Executive Summary—Water and Birds in the Arid West: Habitats in Decline
July 05, 2017 — A brief overview to Audubon's new report on creating a sustainable water future for birds and people in the American West
You’ve Got Quail: Why Thousands of Rural Mail Carriers Count Roadside Wildlife Every Year
June 13, 2017 — In a handful of states, the annual surveys of bobwhite, pheasants, rabbits, and other game species provide valuable data for wildlife managers.
Yet Again, Texas Developers Try to Delist the Endangered Golden-cheeked Warbler
June 07, 2017 — Relying on contested research and armed with a beguiling video ad campaign, the Texas Public Policy Foundation is back with a lawsuit.
With Songbird Populations Declining, Vermont Seeks to Keep Its Forests Intact
June 05, 2017 — Thanks to Audubon Vermont and others, the already green state is becoming even more proactive about preventing forest fragmentation.
Listen to the Pectoral Sandpiper's Amazing Aerial Mating Display
June 05, 2017 — Along with many other species, every summer this shorebird heads to the coastal plain of Alaska's Arctic Refuge to breed.
B.A.R.K. Rangers Protect Plovers by Being Model Canine Citizens
June 02, 2017 — New outreach programs in national and state parks turn canine foes into friends of nesting birds and other wildlife.
Proposed Budget Cuts Signal First Attack on Current Sage-Grouse Protection Plan
May 31, 2017 — Sweeping land-use plans kept the Greater Sage-Grouse off the endangered species list. What happens if the Trump administration rolls them back?
Proposed 2018 Federal Budget Leaves Little Room for Birds or Conservation
May 23, 2017 — If the administration's proposed budget signals its values, one thing is clear: protecting birds and the places they need is not high on the list.
Drilling in the Arctic Refuge Threatens the World's Birds
May 23, 2017 — Hidden in the President's newest budget proposal is the potential opening of the refuge to new oil and gas development.