
What's at Stake: Protecting Our Estuaries
September 21, 2017 — As part of a much larger potential cut, Jenna Harper and her staff at Florida’s Apalachicola Reserve stand to lose 70 percent of their funding. The people and wildlife that depend on them stand to lose everything.
What's at Stake: Fighting for Environmental Justice
September 21, 2017 — Margaret Gordon’s reports on pollution in her West Oakland neighborhood allege racial discrimination by the city and industries. They’ll be ignored if the EPA’s environmental justice initiatives are hobbled.
What's at Stake: Training a Generation of Scientists
September 21, 2017 — Ellen George has barely begun her scientific career studying a little—and a little-known—fish called the cisco. Proposed budget cuts to graduate funding and fisheries science threaten to cut it short.
What's at Stake: Adapting to Climate Change
September 21, 2017 — Dennis Ojima helps Great Plains ranchers adapt to the local impacts of climate change—namely, drought. But if Trump's budget goes through, funding for the nation’s climate science centers would also dry up.
What's at Stake: Holding Big Polluters Accountable
September 21, 2017 — As the former head of the EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance, Cynthia Giles knows how the office’s proposed budget cuts—totaling more than $125 million—could let major polluters off the hook.
What's at Stake: Preserving Appalachia
September 21, 2017 — With Matt Hepler’s help, Appalachians are leading investigations, lawsuits, and economic ventures to reclaim neglected lands and tainted waters.​ The White House seems determined to get in their way.
The 'I'iwi, a Besieged Hawaiian Forest Bird, Is Now Listed as Threatened
September 20, 2017 — Placing the native honeycreeper under federal protection marks what scientists hope will be the beginning of a long road to recovery.
We Finally Know Zinke’s Official Monument Recommendations
September 18, 2017 — A leaked memo shows the Interior Secretary wants to shrink four western monuments and overhaul management of six others.
What's at Stake: Reviving the Everglades
September 14, 2017 — Mike Cherkiss tracks Florida's crocodiles as part of a $6 million program that evaluates the $16 billion devoted to Everglades restoration. Trump's proposed budget would gut the program's funding.
On the Ground with Audubon Texas After Hurricane Harvey
September 08, 2017 — A tour of some of the affected islands shows the storm’s impacts, but also the surprising resilience of coastal ecosystems.