
The Fight to Save Pine Island
October 10, 2019 — As rising seas imperil its historic structures and famed waterfowl flocks, staff at the Audubon sanctuary are determined to defend the refuge by saving its wetlands.
In Canada’s Boreal Forest, a New National Park Faces the Wrongs of the Past—and Guards Our Climate Future
October 10, 2019 — Thaidene Nëné, declared this summer, is a milestone for an Indigenous-led conservation movement that can help keep carbon in the ground and protect crucial habitat as the planet warms.
Sanderling. Raymond Hennessy/Alamy
Five Climate-Threatened Birds and How You Can Help Them
October 10, 2019 — Audubon's newest climate report projects the future ranges for more than 604 North American species.
A Better Way to Decrease Disastrous Flooding on the Mississippi River
October 10, 2019 — Our attempts to wall in a surging Mississippi have failed up and down the river, leading to catastrophic flooding. Now momentum is building to work with nature, not against it.
Hurricane Maria Almost Wiped Out These Hawks. Can We Save Them Before the Next Big Storm?
October 09, 2019 — Scientists are in a race to bring the Puerto Rican Sharp-shinned Hawk back from the edge of extinction, one hand-reared chick at a time.
More Than 1,600 Scientists Call on Congress to Fully Fund Wildlife Protection
September 27, 2019 — In an open letter, researchers say federal agencies are not getting the funding they need to enforce the Endangered Species Act and address the larger biodiversity crisis.
Canada's Boreal Forest Provides Hope Amid News of Staggering Bird Loss
September 25, 2019 — Billions of birds are born in this northern region every year, and Indigenous Nations are leading the way to ensure it remains protected.
Energy Storage Legislation is Imperative for Us, and Our Birds
September 20, 2019 — A slate of bipartisan bills proposed in Congress could go a long way to support energy storage research and development.
North America Has Lost More Than 1 in 4 Birds in Last 50 Years, New Study Says
September 19, 2019 — For the first time, researchers have estimated the volume of total avian loss in the Western Hemisphere—and it’s not just threatened species that are declining. Many backyard favorites are also losing ground.
Reintroduced Hawaiian Crows Are Learning How to Live in the Wild
September 18, 2019 — Extinct in their natural habitat for two decades, a small population of ‘Alalā are starting to forage, mate, and nest on their own.