From Audubon Magazine

Street Trees Could Plant the Seed for a More Equitable Los Angeles
September 27, 2020 — The city has a growing green canopy, but its benefits aren't equally distributed. Meet the woman charged with changing that.
Reimagining the Black-billed Magpie
September 27, 2020 — Artist Lauren Tamaki captures the chatter of these vocal western corvids.
Forget the Roses, Give the White House a Native Plant Garden
September 09, 2020 — The dustup over First Lady Melania Trump's recent renovation misses a bigger problem with the Rose Garden: It's too heavy on introduced species.
Alaska’s Wild Places Face a Barrage of Big Development Projects
August 21, 2020 — As President Trump’s first term nears its end, major land-use decisions are coming due, with massive stakes for the environment.
Interior Department Finalizes Plan to Drill in the Arctic Refuge
August 17, 2020 — Legal challenges are inevitable, but the Trump administration aims to hold the first-ever sale of oil and gas leases in the refuge this year.
Court Strikes Down Trump Administration Policy That Let Companies Kill Birds
August 12, 2020 — In a major victory for conservation groups, a federal judge ruled that the Migratory Bird Treaty Act covers unintentional but avoidable avian deaths.
Ask Kenn Kaufman: Why Do Birds Abandon Nests for No Apparent Reason?
August 06, 2020 — Also this month: How did Hawaii get its owls? And who is the best ear birder Kenn's ever met?
Marine Heatwaves Can Scatter Ocean Wildlife More Than a Thousand Miles
August 05, 2020 — A new study finds that these extreme events at sea can rapidly redistribute habitats and animals, including fish and seabirds.
Remembering Toni Morrison, the Bird Whisperer
August 05, 2020 — A year after Morrison’s passing, a journalist and birder reflects on how her time with the cherished author changed her relationship with birds—and with herself.
Searching for Elusive Blakiston's Fish Owls in the Ancient Forests of Primorye
August 04, 2020 — Jonathan Slaght ventures into far-east Russia to locate the enormous raptors in this excerpt from his new book 'Owls of the Eastern Ice.'