From Audubon Magazine

From Ground to Orbit, Space Industry’s Lift-Off Sparks Environmental Concerns
September 19, 2022 — As more rockets take flight, how will we protect life at home?
An aerial view, looking straight down, of bleached white cedars standing in water. They have been killed by flooding from sea-level rise.
How New Jersey Plans to Relocate Flooded ‘Ghost Forests’ Inland
September 19, 2022 — A $20 million cedar restoration project in the state’s Pine Barrens shows how people can help vanishing habitats outpace sea-level rise.
The Bird Migration Explorer Lets You Interact With Nature’s Most Amazing Feat
September 15, 2022 — With this revolutionary new tool, anyone can follow hundreds of species on their epic journeys and discover challenges they face along the way.
10 Fun Facts About the Pileated Woodpecker
July 19, 2022 — From their flaming red crest to their maniacal laughing calls, this is one bird you don’t want to miss.
Shelby Casas and three shorebird field technicians walk towards the beach carrying a roll of wire fencing and other tools.
Hit the Beach With A Shorebird Biologist
July 11, 2022 — Shelby Casas braves sun, bugs, and storms to protect endangered birds.
Bright red coals burn inside a charred redwood tree.
Rebuilding an Iconic California State Park With Birds and Wildfire In Mind
July 08, 2022 — In 2020, a blaze consumed Big Basin Redwoods State Park, incinerating cabins, blackening ancient trees, and imperiling endangered murrelets. Staff now want to reimagine the park to better ensure the seabird’s future.
An illustration of a bright, flying Wilson's Warbler emerging from a vintage John James Audubon illustration. The name "Wilson's Warbler" is hand-drawn and crossed out in the lower corner.
What’s In a Bird Name?
July 08, 2022 — More than 100 North American birds carry the names of people, some of whom were enslavers, supremacists, or grave robbers. A growing movement aims to do away with honorifics all together and bestow monikers that reflect each species' unique qualities
Left: A peacock spreads its brightly colored feathers. Right: One peacock walks on the roof of a home with a blue door. Another struts along the brick entryway beside a large plant.
California Has a Peacock Problem
July 08, 2022 — Feral peafowl have turned neighbor against neighbor in Los Angeles, where they claw up gardens, peck at car fenders, and belt out their songs at all hours. Is a more harmonious coexistence possible?
A display of natural materials, including leaves, bark, and seed pods.
No Time Like the Present
July 08, 2022 — However quickly life seems to move, it’s worth slowing down and paying attention.
An Indigo Bunting sings on top of a sunflower.
Listen to the Birds Today
July 08, 2022 — Some days, they sing messages of peril. But some days, they sing songs of beauty and hope.