From Audubon Magazine

The original image shows detailed texture of 2 pigeons’ feathers as they preen. The Ai image is similar, but vivid details are missing.
What Does Generative AI Mean for Bird and Nature Photography?
June 21, 2023 — Soon we may not be able to easily tell if a bird photo is real or fake. And that poses fundamental questions that the wildlife photography field must grapple with.
The 2023 Audubon Photography Awards: Winners and Honorable Mentions
June 21, 2023 — We pored through thousands of entries for this year’s contest. The best images show birds going about their business in the most glorious ways.
Plunging view of a river from the top of a dam with green algae in the foreground on the wall of the dam below
With a Historic Dam Removal Imminent, Tribes Prepare for a Klamath River Rebirth
May 24, 2023 — The project, set to begin this summer, promises to boost dwindling salmon populations, bolster tribal traditions, and restore a rich ecosystem.
Doka Nason sits beaming, surrounded by green foliage, with a trail camera displaying a photo of a rust- and black-colored bird.
Lost and Found
March 31, 2023 — Going in search of unfamiliar birds can be thrilling, but so can discovering the ones there all along.
A flock of gray Sandhill Cranes take flight while others stand in shallow water in the soft pink light of sunrise.
A Roadmap for the Future
March 31, 2023 — Our bold strategic plan will achieve new levels of impact for birds, people, and the planet.
A bird head, wing, feather, and foot silhouetted against a brain scan.
Yes, Birding Does Change Your Brain
March 29, 2023 — Neuroscientists puzzling over how human memory and learning function often turn to birdwatchers to connect the dots.
A close-up portrait of a kestrel with a spot of green dye on its feathers.
What Is Causing the American Kestrel’s Perplexing Decline?
March 29, 2023 — Although still common, these much-loved falcons continue to disappear from North American skies. Scientists are racing to understand why.
A small brown and gray bird perches at the entrance of its dome-like, moss-and-lichen nest, holding plant material in its beak.
Bird Nests Tell Extraordinary Stories, If You Learn How to Read Them
March 29, 2023 — Casey McFarland, author of “Peterson Field Guide to North American Bird Nests,” describes how paying attention to nests can improve your birding.
People birding on the side of a road with under-constructions cones in the center.
Travel in the Time of Climate Crisis
March 29, 2023 — As climate-related disasters ramp up, how can travelers minimize the harms and maximize the benefits they bring to recovering destinations?
As Storms Grow Stronger, a Historic Building Gains Height to Stay Dry
March 28, 2023 — Rather than abandon the 19th-century structure, staff at Hog Island Audubon Camp have elevated the Queen Mary by three feet.